
Saturday, December 18, 2010

One tough cookie...

While sledding yesterday my little girl got hurt. We decided to let her sleep it off last night and see what it looked like in the morning. Well it was pretty swollen so I took her to urgent care and guess what? Her wrist is fractured. So we have to go to the doctor on Monday and have it casted. The funny thing is she's already picked out her cast color. She seemed pretty excited about that part. But was bummed when she got a free pass out of gym. She is her fathers child. I think if I got a free pass out of gym I would have done a one handed cartwheel lol. So here it is the only picture I took today...

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Snow day

I have been asked by several people why I don't post a picture a day anymore. And well I really don't have an answer. Guess I just didn't think anyone would miss it if I didn't do it. Well apparently I was wrong. I take pictures everyday, I might as well sit down at the end of the day and choose one to share. So starting today I will again be posting a picture a day. And what better to start off with than some happy faces. Probably not the greatest image I got today. But it makes me smile.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Santa knows...

While cleaning today I found this little note. A few weeks ago my girls thought it would be fun to get a gift bag from my stash and put some of Isaac's toys that he hasn't played with in a while in there. And leave it under the tree when he fell asleep that night. I thought it was cute. They even put a gift tag on it. I never looked at the gift tag. I thought it was just a to and from kind of thing. Well I was wrong. Here is the note they left with his gift bag (I love the P.S.)

Saturday, December 4, 2010

A beautiful family and sweet kisses

What a beautiful day for family portraits in the park. Ok so it was a little chilly, but that didn't stop us. And I'm so glad it didn't. I had a really hard time choosing what to share. Look at all the beautiful people in this picture. They were so fun to work with. They all did almost everything I asked without looking at me like I was crazy. And I say almost because when I suggested throwing leaves I only had one participant lol.
I love the personality that shows in this picture.

Isn't she lovely? Come on sing it with me. Isn't she won-der-ful.... just thank God that this is not a video post and you can't hear me singing ha ha. But seriosly could she be any prettier? Fingers crossed I get to shoot her senior pics when the time comes around (hint hint, nudge nudge).

Check out the eyes on him!! Would you believe he didn't even want to look when I offered to show him thie picture on the back of the camera?

And I can't leave out little miss. She was all about posing for me today. She was still stiking poses after I turned away for a few moments.

Mom and Dad, so sweet.

And I will leave you with my favorite shot of the day. Go ahead you can say it awwwwe.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Love or Snub 1st edition

The first of December. The first day of the last month of the year. And what a whirlwind of a month it is. All the excitement AND stress of the holidays. It's dark by 5pm. One day it's freezing, the next it feels like spring. It's the most bipolar month of the year. So the month of December gets a love and a snub! 

In camera black and whites: LOVE! When I'm bored (like when riding in the passenger seat in the truck) I pull out my camera and play. This time I was playing with the in camera black and white options. Love love love! 
In case you can't tell that bright light is the moon.

Star filters: LOVE!! They are cheap and make lights look all sparkly and better than they already do. And candles too.

Intentionally out of focus Christmas lights: Love. It makes for a great card background and other things.

Holiday family traditions: Love. I have made apple turkeys since kindergarten. Mine didn't look anything like this, but we are keeping the tradition alive.

Bowling with the kids: Big love. They all had such a good time. Even with the bumpers up on one of our lanes.

 Bowling AND black and whites lol of course I love this.

Kids that duck every time the camera comes out: SNUB!!! This drives me crazy. It makes me have to be sneaky. The worst part is they duck just 1 second before I push the button. Although in this shot it almost looks like they are praying HA.
Happy December and sparkly trees!!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Just some things I've seen

Just a few things I almost didn't notice this week. I was walking and talking and these pretty little things just popped right out at me. They were screaming take our picture!!!
 And this knot in this tree root. I must have stepped on it, or walked passed it a few hundred times and never noticed it before. Guess maybe I need to slow down and become a little more aware of the little things.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The best homemade halloween costume EVER

We went to St. Mary's Square on Saturday for the festivities. And I saw the BEST homemade halloween costume I had ever seen before check it out...

There was a kid in there!!!

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Site and email was gone for about 4 days. But it's all working beautifully now YAY!!! So feel free to go check out the site and let me know how much you love it!

Monday, October 25, 2010

An intimate fall wedding | SOMD Wedding Photographer

Is there anything better?
What started out as a very chilly morning, turned into a perfect day for a wedding. When I arrived at Greenwell State Park, Elise was walking with her daughter and Bridesmaids over to the manor where they would be getting ready. We met near the parking area when she told me her Groom had to go home because he forgot his shirt. And with only an hour left till "I do" time he was cutting it close. This is the time some Brides would be a little freaked out. But Elise didn't seem even a little nervous.

We all went upstairs to the dressing area and I went straight for the dress and shoes.

And the lovely Miss. Megan said she was getting married and today they are going to be a family. She was convinced this was her wedding. I loved hearing her view on what was taking place. When she wasn't talking about the wedding, she was singing to her self and anyone who would listen.

Elise looking out at the garden she would be taking her vows in as soon as everyone was in place. Patiently looking for the signal that would let her know they were ready.

A kiss from her father...

And because I was forbidden to take any pictures during the actual ceremony....THE KISS...

Elise, Richard and Megan, congrats on becoming a family!!

Off to the formals. This is the first wedding I have had the pleasure to shoot where the best man...was a woman. The Grooms sister. I love it. How often is the best man also the Brides make up artist?

By the time we had gotten to the formals, Megan had just about had enough of the picture taking. At this point she was done.

Until one of the Bridesmaids suggested they all do Megan's favorite pose. And she was ready for round 2.

I will end the post today with a shot of Richard and his beautiful new Wife Elise. Congratulations again!!!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Robin and Aubrey | Southern MD Photographer

I was so excited when I got a facebook message a few weeks ago from my sister-in-law, asking me if I would shoot an engagement session for her. Of course I will. So I asked about wedding details. And guess what....I've already booked a wedding that day. Why have I not yet figured out how to be in 2 places at once? I want to shoot BOTH so bad!!
We met at Greenwell State park this weekend for the engagement shoot. And we could not have chose a better day. The weather was perfect!! We walked all around the park talking and stopping to take some pictures here and there. They are so cute. Here are just a few of my favorite images from that day.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Site down

My site is down temporarily. Will be back up and running very soon. In the mean time you can visit me here. Or email me here, sarahsnaps @ ,fingers crossed, prayers said, things will be back to normal and better than ever really soon.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Calvert County Fair | Southern Maryland Photographer

Early Saturday morning we went to the county fair. We got there at 9am so the rides weren't running yet. So we decided to check out the critters first. Every year my kids beg to bring home a bunny. And if it weren't for the 2 dogs and cat we have I may have been sold on these cute little guys. They were cuddled up even with a cage between them (it was cold in there). But I love how fluffy they are!

And for reasons I don't know my kids love looking at the turkeys. This guy was posing for me. I got quite a few shots of him. He would walk right up to me and strike a pose. Which I loved because I was shooting one handed, had coffee in the other hand. Hey it was early and as bad as that fair coffee was I needed it more than I needed a great shot of a turkey. But I managed to do both so it's all good. I almost want to hang a BIG print of this on my stripped wall...almost. And for those of you who like history, did you know that Benjamin Franklin did not want the bald eagle as our national bird. He wanted the turkey. You can read why in an excerpt of a letter to his daughter here. And while I like the look of the bald eagle, he had good points in his reasoning.

This big ole' pig didn't care about anything but gnawing on a piece of rope. But I thought he was cute. And he was the only one in that area not sleeping.

This just looked like fun. All 3 of my girls were upside down every time that thing got around to where I could see them.
I know this one is out of focus and I normally wouldn't share because of that. But I heard one of my favorite photographers say last week that focus is overrated. So let's just go with that lol.
Every year my oldest girl wins a goldfish at the fair. Well the first one she won a few years ago recently died. His name was "County Fair Fred". She kept him in a tank at her Dad's house. The goldfish she won last year got to stay at my house her name is "County Fair Freida". And I have a pretty big tank, so CF Freida is huge. And she is no longer "gold" she is white with gold on her mouth like she's wearing orange lipstick. Well we put "County Fair Fred Jr." in a bowl on the counter till she could take him to her Dad's. And our cat thought.....SUSHI!!! She played with him for a while and gave up. Fred was not going to come to the surface as long as she was there.